About Us

Lisa Lambert

Lisa Lambert

With more than 20 years of business operations experience, Lisa Lambert is responsible for all office management, human resources and bookkeeping functions within the firm. She manages contracts, is a primary interface with firm vendors, and provides crucial support to Lovell team members. Her capable guidance over Lovell’s daily operations allows colleagues and clients to work seamlessly together.

Prior to joining Lovell, Lambert served as office manager to companies in the engineering, accounting and food service sectors. She is a University of Tennessee graduate and a very proud mother and grandmother.

Latest Case Studies

Abandoned truck sitting inthe flood water

Managing Allegations of Euthanasia Following Hurricane Katrina

As documented in a New York Times article, a Pulitzer Prize-winning book and now a Netflix docuseries, the days inside Memorial Medical Center in New Orleans following landfall of Hurricane Katrina were truly horrific. Within a week of the evacuation of the hospital, our firm was engaged by LifeCare Hospitals – the owner of the long-term acute care unit that leased space within MMC – to help them prepare for regulatory scrutiny, civil and criminal lawsuits, and an avalanche of international media interest.

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